Coordinate Measuring Machines Summary

Checkmaster CMM
The compact Checkmaster is a bench top CMM ideal for lab or production floor. Hardened stainless steel ways and steel scales on steel structures offer uniform linear expansion minimizing thermal errors. The low cost means you can put competent inspection capability in multiple locations throughout your plant.

Microgage CMM
Microgage is modeled on the World’s most precise machine tools, having a rigid fixed bridge design made of steel. And like machine tools, the mechanical bearings and guide ways, along with motors and scales, are covered and protected for durability, stability, and life-long value

Microstar CMM
Our Microstar series of CMMs covers a wider size range from medium to large. These versatile units can be used in the lab or in the shop. The ways, bearings, scales and motors are enclosed or protected against harsh environments. All are available in manual or DCC, with several levels of software.

Phoenix CMM
The Phoenix is made for harsh environments, with well-placed covers that prevent temperature shock. Its steel measuring scales on metal structures assure uniform expansion.

Checkmaster SMM
Designed for automotive and truck crank and cam checks on the factory floor, SMMs have proven that they can take it, decade after decade.
Shaft measurement machines designed to efficiently check lengths, steps, grooves, diameters, run-out and hole locations quickly using standard hard probes. Now used widely for large and small engine shaft components, as well as turbine, transmission, pump, copier and general shaft measuring applications.

Axium SMM
The Axium Shaft Measuring Machine has been developed to provide precise, automatic dimensional measurement of cylindrical and shaft-like or manufactured parts. The Axium is well suited to crankshaft inspections. The SMM is hardened for use in production and on the factory floor, and requires minimal training for non-metrology employees.